Heteroclite An0my: 2006/04 Heteroclite An0my: 2006/04

22 April 2006

& twisted insanity &

& i like potatoes &

I like potatoes. What more could you say? Perhaps you could deny it once you say it.
It's so true. We deny what we want most dear to our heart.

18 April 2006

& Saving Headquarters &

Introducing a new comic series; Attack of the Tissue Monsters.
In the previous and unaccounted for episode; we find Headquarters overtaken by Tissue Monsters. These Tissue Monsters wiped out everyone in the headquarters, until they were a mucusie lumpie glumpie and then they were kicked out of headquarters. While no one was hurt; many were emotionally scarred. Many of the former employees now refuse to go a box of tissues. Others think, did that just move? We return to our adventures of Agent Andrea and Agent Rosie, whom are Headquarters... second best agents. Will the top agents return to save the day; or will our Agents have to.. *gasp* save the Headquarters by themselves?

17 April 2006

& Super Weapon &

Yeah; I haven't made a post since near years. I've been.. preoccupied, among various things.
Well.. Enjoy... I guess.