Heteroclite An0my: 2005/09 Heteroclite An0my: 2005/09

13 September 2005

&Melting Faces&

PvP Priest are commonly associated with melting faces.
Possibly derived from the spell animation where the location of the face appears to melt in a maelstrome of melting shadow and darkness.

Mmm.. I wonder what a melted face taste like? Possibly much like the flavour of a roasted Tauren. Or are they the same thing. The Heteroclite An0my and Anomalous Bear shows how. Also featured is Matt the Gnome.

In case you wonder why there's no border for the second frame.. Let us just say that for every border I have, a new gnome alt is made, and an tauren shaman gets melted.

07 September 2005


Sometimes people don't think I exist.

04 September 2005

_Just Sex_

Well one day its the Jewish, next you know its those DAMN Irish.


I'm sure you've experienced one of these in your life.

If not, then you're missing out on some fine fun stuff.

03 September 2005


The other author's haven't been posting much... Out party'ing and stuff. I sure hope they have some good material when they get back. If not.. I'll have to increase the magnitude by three bazgilion..... to

02 September 2005

&The use of "to"&

Just some interesting coverage of the English language.
Once again, the Heteroclite An0my will lead you through the wonderous contemplation methods.

Click to englarge.

01 September 2005


Ever said something that just .. wasn't right? Maybe you whispered the name of your crush while at a sleepover? Or perhaps you got drunk and made a fool of yourself. Don't worry. Heteroclite An0my understands your crisis.

Figure 1: Heteroclite An0my

In the following few pixels, Heteroclite An0my will show you how to think, and what to do if someone hears.